The story of Bence Jones Proteins
In the last post, we saw the timelines in the discovery of Multiple myeloma. In this post, we shall see how Bence Jones protein was discovered. It was in 1845 , in St. George’s Hospital in London, William MacIntyre , Henry Bence Jones and John Dalrymple examined a patient of MacIntyre’s who was admitted with vague uninterrupted pain in the chest, back, and pelvis. Henry Bence Jones, Picture taken from wikipedia. MacIntyre asked Henry Bence Jones to test the patient’s urine. Bence Jones found a substance in the urine that was precipitated by the addition of nitric acid. He noted that the precipitate was soluble in boiling water but re-precipitated after the urine was cooled. He stated the patient had “albumosuria” and concluded that the protein was an ‘oxide of albumen’ and after subsequent analysis concluded it was the ‘hydrated deutoxide of albumen’. The patient died soon after the urine was tested. John Dalrymple , was the pathologist who ...