Burkitt, the name sounds very familiar to all of us, as we all know Burkitt lymphoma. When I went through his discovery story, many things fascinated and inspired me. And I am sharing my thoughts here. Burkitt lost his right eye at the age of eleven, but still he dint loose hope, he went to school, pursued medicine and he became a surgeon too. How much perseverance hardwork and involvement he must have put to reach the heights of a discoverer, with only one eye. Burkitt was service oriented, and hence he volunteered for the Colonial Medical Service in West Africa. Burkitt describes himself as a ‘simple bush surgeon’. He increased the number of surgeries from 17 to 600 with only one doctors’ assistance. Again it shows his hardwork, interest and passion for work. Burkitt went on a three-month trip, travelled 10000 miles, covering 57 hospitals in eight countries, popularly known as the long safari. He regarded this long safari as a holiday with purpose. What a dedic...