World Thrombosis Day – September 13,2020

The World Thrombosis Day (WTD) campaign for 2020 centered on the theme of ‘Eyes Open to Thrombosis’.

Why this theme ?

The WTD campaign believes that eyes are windows to the mind. There is lack of awareness of thrombosis by health care professionals, the general public and policy makers, so WTD wants to stress on the importance of building awareness by touching the mind. “Eyes Open to Thrombosis” encourages people to open their eyes to thrombosis today and not wait until tomorrow. The WTD campaign continues its mission to increase global awareness of thrombosis.

This new theme ‘Eyes open to thrombosis’ is woven into offerings, planning for many activities throughtout the year, from collaterals and resources to digital events and activities. Partners can translate the events and activities into local languages. The WTD 2020 campaign has more than 2000 WTD partners around the world.


WTD was founded by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) in 2014 in response to members requests for a focused global awareness day on thrombosis. More than 175 organisations worldwide participated in the first day, raising much-needed visibility of the condition through special events, educational forums, widespread media coverage and social media.

Why this date is celebrated as World Thrombosis Day?

WTD is celebrated every year on 13 October, the birthday of Rudolf Virchow, a German Physician, pathologist, biologist , anthropologist,  who was a pioneer in the pathophysiology of thrombosis. Virchow developed the concept of thrombosis and Virchow triad.

History of the WTD Logo

The WTD logo designing  has an interesting story.  Pantep Angchaisuksiri , member of the WTD from Thailand, invited his patient to design a symbol for the WTD campaign. The patient named Ekawat Suwantaroj, created a design that represented both the artery (red colour) and the vein (blue colour) with a clot (white circle). 

Who is this Ekawat Suwantaroj? Why did Pantep ask Ekawat for logo design?

Ekawat Suvantaroj was diagnosed with severe hemophilia at the age of four months. Partly because of his health condition, drawing and painting became his favourite hobbies. Then Ekawat received a bachelors’ degree in Art and Design in Bangkok. He studied Masters’ degree in Art and Design in Madison, Wisconsin.  He returned to Bangkok and worked as a graphic designer, later he started his own graphic design company in Bangkok.


WTD is an award winning campaign. WTD has got many awards.

·         Gold Circle Award for Overall Excellence (2015)from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)

·         Award of Excellence (2015) from PRSA

·         Gold Power of A Award (2016) from ASAE

·         Gold Circle Merit Award (2016) from ASAE

·         Two prestigious Silver Anvil Awards (2016 and 2015) from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)

·         Association of Association Executives Best Social Media Campaign (2017)

·         Best in Maryland awards from the PRSA Maryland Chapter




                                                                                       Written by Dr.Priyavadhana B












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